Very interesting, and catchy!
I know that you said that one of your weakest points was on melodies. Since you are taking some music theory classes, I would recommend taking this track and playing arpeggios at various tempos. One of the best results form this is that you can see how instruments you never thought would fit with this mix (say, an oboe or a piccolo) can become a very effective melody. After you experiment with the arpeggios, then you can tweak the pitch and duration of the notes to your liking. (Try this for example, with a piccolo, play F6, Ab6, C7, F7, E7, B6, C7, Ab6 over the part where the main synth plays F, C, F C Ab, F). If this is confusing then I'll explain it better later; I'm tired.
Also one other thing; I would put in strong fade/envelopes (or crescendos/decrescendos) over a period of 4-8 measures. This would suck the listener way into the beat....
Now ot listen to your other stuff :)